“I originally found out about the project earlier this year when it was announced that funding had been received from the HLF for the excavation. Having seen nothing further it was by chance I came across the details whilst browsing on the “Festival of British Archaeology” website a few weeks before it was due to start. Although it was fairly local to me, having to take time off work this meant that the time I could spend on the project was limited so in the end I only managed to spend two days on the dig.
Prior to the dig I knew very little about the site, except that Short Brothers had a factory in the vicinity during the war. Having had little time to look at the website or do any research, it was good to look round the exhibition during the breaks and talk to people about the site. It has also been a while since I had participated in an excavation for various reasons so it was good to be able to get involved with this project. It was just unfortunate that there wasn’t really much left to be found.
However, what really made the dig so enjoyable was the people. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly and helpful and I would like thank you for letting me be part of your project.”
Keiron Thexton – August 2019